7 Jul 2015



          The universe is full of galaxies, planets, satellites, and other beautiful sky objects, but there’s only one object that shines so bright that gives his light to our galaxy (Milky Way), he is Sun. He is the source of the lights, without him anything that exist in this universe would have not seen anything. He is very special, he is very important to the whole mortal, to the whole things, to this universe.

One of the very first day Sun shines the universe, he feels alive and happy. He could see anything and anything that he sees are happy too. He began to start his first day happily by giving his light and warm to every things with his light. Out of the planets in Milky Ways, he falls in love with the Earth. He thought that Earth has prettiest colors than any other planets he saw. So every time his orbit is closer to the Earth, he feels absolutely excited. The Earth has blue sky color, deep blue ocean, white of the clouds, and green for its enormous lands. He admires Earth so much that he couldn’t feel any happier when he gets closer to the Earth.
Sometime Sun feels sad that his light couldn’t light the Earth because of the gray clouds hide his light, it’s Rain. Rain could bring thunderstorm and storm while she’s raining herself to the Earth. But from its very first time Sun learned that someday the Earth also need water not only the warm of his light. Every time the Earth is raining, Sun can only warm the other planets and their satellites. The Earth has Moon as its satellites, Moon only brings her light which comes from Sun to light the Earth at night. Moon, is not the prettiest satellites in the Milky Way. But since humans only live in the Earth, Moon is the second important sky object to us after Sun. Sun enlighten the Earth every morning to evening and Moon enlighten the Earth every single night.
Moon is not so special thing except for human. Moon is only a satellite which rotates every day around the Earth. Moon knows that she is not as important as Sun, but she never even once hates Sun for it. She accepted her fate to only be something important to the Earth and she’s grateful for it. Moon admires Sun so much, because of his light she could be something important to the Earth. But Moon never even once meet Sun and so Sun. Moon might not pretty but she has big and beautiful heart, even more beautiful than us (human). Because how could you be only a satellite which has only one job to rotate herself around the Earth every single time without retire?

One fine day when the night came and Moon started doing her job until midnight, suddenly Rain came and got really mad. She gave storm to some lands on Earth, it took at least two hours until Rain got better.
“Why are you suddenly mad?”, Asked Moon.
“Oh I’m not mad.” Rain answered it with sad voice.
“And then you suddenly sad”, Moon looked at her face that turned so gray and little water is falling from the sky to the Earth.
“Summer is coming and this Earth seems happier than when it’s raining. I’m sad, Moon.” Rain said to Moon how she felt.
“Oh Rain. You shouldn’t be sad. Summer won’t get last and you will come back, will you?”
“I know, but every time Summer came I just felt this way. I feel like I want to make these humans know what I feel. I feel like I’m not important and it hurts.”
“Rain, human needs you. They love you. Stop thinking otherwise.” Moon gave her strength with her words. Rain seemed to feel better and changed her color to white grayish cloud.
“Thank you, Moon. I’m sorry for taking your time again.” Rain felt sorry for Moon that Moon can’t show herself to some of the lands that late night.
“It’s okay, Rain.”
“Bye, Moon. See you in Fall!” Rain gone and the late night also fade away and changed to the early morning in the first Summer.
“Time to switch job with Mr. Sun. Bye lovely Earth, welcome Summer!” Moon hide herself while Sun came along with his warm lights.
Summer finally came, human really like Summer. Summer means holiday to human, and for Sun Summer means the brightest light he should give to the Earth.

Summer has over, Fall came. 
Rain is the happiest now, she can give so much rain to the whole Earth while Sun is sad waiting for him to lighten his light again. Not much time for Sun to show up because Fall and Winter is coming, after that is Spring and he can give his warm lights to the Earth again.

One day, when the Sun shines at afternoon in Spring, Moon came and hides Sun’s light. This is the first time they are finally meet. Moon finally saw a huge and a very warm Sun with its fire around him that made him looked more red than orange. Sun stared at Moon and thinking about who is she?

“Who are you? I have never met you.” Asked Sun.
“I’m Earth’s satellite, Moon.” Moon answered him.
“Why are you here? It’s not your time to show up.”
“But my orbit is here. Human called it, solar eclipse.” Moon explained it to Sun. Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun.
“So, it’s solar eclipse. I’ve heard about it but never knew if it happened right now.” Sun looked at the Moon. He thought that he never once saw who looked as intelligent and humble as Moon. Even though Moon only explain it to him but the way Moon explained it, it made him fluttered.
“Nice to meet you, Sun. You look so huge and um... bright.” Moon wanted to compliment Sun but she don’t know the perfect words to say.
“Nice to meet you too, Moon. Thank you. You look pretty.” Sun really meant what he said to Moon, but Moon seemed not so touch.
“Well, thank you. You are the first who told me that I’m pretty.”
“Oh really? If that so, I’m happy. How long this solar eclipse happens?”
“I think it’s not that long. Alright, since this happened very very rare, let’s talk a bit more.” Moon started to open a topic while the solar eclipse happened that made the whole Earth in dark color. She thought that it’s very rare that she could finally talked and saw Sun.
“Okay, Moon.”
“Firstly, I’d want to say thank you and how grateful I am that your light really made me something important to this Earth and so the mortal. Thank you so much, Mr. Sun” Moon confessed her grateful feeling to Sun.
“Wow. It’s the very first time I heard that something feels grateful of me. I’m more thankful to you that you confessed it to me. I feel so much happy to know that.” Sun smile brightly made his light shines so bright that made Moon closed her eyes because of how bright it is. “Oops! Sorry.” Sun and Moon laughed and Sun slowly back to his normal lights.
“I think the time will be over soon. It’s a precious moment for me that I can finally met you, Sun. We will meet again in an unsure time.” Moon said to Sun.
“It’s also a precious moment for me to know such a beautiful yet intelligent satellite like you, Moon. And I can’t wait to see you again.” Solar eclipse began to fades. Moon began to move and leave her orbit between the Earth and Sun. Little by little Sun started to enlighten the Earth again while Moon faded away.
“Moon, see you!!!” Sun shouted to the moving Moon.
“See you, Mr. Reddish Sun.” And Sun came back with his light to warm the Earth. Sun never even once felt so happy and fluttered ever since he met and talked to Moon, and so did Moon.

After their first meeting, every day, every time, they wait for solar eclipse to come so that they would talk and laugh again. But it takes very long time and an unsure time to happen. They wait and wait. Even though they could haven’t met yet, Moon always feel grateful that she always got the light from Sun. Whenever the night comes, she feel more grateful for knowing it. They kept waiting to meet again in Solar Eclipse. Moon and Sun takes a really long time to finally met again, but they are never get tired of waiting for solar eclipse to happen, even it takes forever, they will wait, only to see and talk to each other. Solar eclipse when will you come again?


26 Mei 2015

Tugas Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer (3)

BING Translator
Kenakalan remaja

Pelanggaran hukum yang terus-menerus atau prilaku anti Social oleh anak laki-laki atau perempuan di bawah tertentu biasanya usia hukum 18 - disebut kenakalan remaja. Ini mungkin termasuk tindakan seperti itu sebagai menggunakan obat-obatan berbahaya, mencuri, menghancurkan properti, menyakiti orang lain, atau minum minuman beralkohol. Juvenile tertunggak adalah orang muda yang tingkah lakunya pergi terhadap norma-norma set (pola) masyarakat. Cara di mana kenakalan remaja dirawat oleh komunitas dapat memutuskan jika orang muda berubah menuju atau menjauh dari kehidupan orang dewasa kejahatan. Apa hukum istirahat orang-orang muda yang membuat? Sering mereka merasa kemarahan menuju dunia orang dewasa. Orang tua mereka akan bercerai atau terpisah. Atau orang tua mungkin melawan sering, tidak mungkin mengasihi mereka, atau mungkin tidak disiplin mereka. Jika orang tua tidak menunjukkan penghormatan masyarakat dan hukum, orang-orang muda mungkin tidak baik.

Kemiskinan juga dapat menyebabkan pemuda untuk melanggar hukum. Mereka mungkin mulai mencuri hal-hal yang mereka tidak mampu. Jika mereka tinggal di sebuah perkampungan kumuh, mereka mungkin membenci run-down rumah dan sekolah yang miskin di sana dan mungkin menghancurkan properti keluar dari kemarahan. Ketika ada tidak ada kegiatan untuk orang-orang muda dalam masyarakat, mereka lebih cenderung mendapat kesulitan. Remaja bosan dapat menjelajah lingkungan di geng, memecahkan jendela atau mencuri mobil. Kaum muda mungkin juga melakukan kejahatan hanya untuk diterima oleh orang-orang muda lain yang melakukan hal ini.

Apa yang terjadi pada orang-orang muda yang melanggar hukum? Kadang-kadang polisi berbicara kepada orang-orang muda orangtua atau mengirimkannya kepada badan bantuan. Sering kali, namun, orang-orang muda harus pergi ke juvenile court. Pengadilan dapat mengirimkan mereka ke petugas percobaan, orang yang akan mencoba untuk membantu orang-orang muda yang memecahkan masalah mereka, dan akan memeriksa mereka untuk memastikan mereka tetap keluar dari masalah. Pengadilan juga dapat mengirim tertunggak ke psikiater, seorang dokter yang membantu orang-orang yang memiliki masalah mental atau emosional. Jika pemuda tinggal di keluarga bahagia, pengadilan dapat menempatkan mereka dalam membina rumah dengan orangtua asuh, yang mencoba memberikan orang-orang muda ini rumah yang bahagia. Kadang-kadang, juvenile nakal dikirim untuk tinggal di lembaga-lembaga negara. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pendekatan yang lebih eksperimental dalam pengobatan pelanggar muda termasuk terapi kelompok, menantang konseling individu dan pengalaman kerja.

Orang-orang muda yang menjadi juvenile nakal sering terluka diri lebih dari komunitas mereka. Pelanggaran mereka kadang-kadang terus dari pergi ke sekolah dan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang baik. Mereka kehilangan harga diri, dan rasa hormat dari orang lain.

Kenakalan remaja

Pelangaran hukum yang terus-menerus atau perilaku anti-sosial oleh anak laki-lai atau perempuan dibawah rata-ratan usia 18 tahun- disebut kenakalan remaja. Ini dapat termasuk tindakan seperti penggunaan obat-obatan berbahaya, mencuri, merusak properti, melukai orang lain, atau minum minuman beralkohol. Kenakalan remaja merupakan pemuda yang tingkah lakunya menentang norma-norma (aturan) pada masyarakat. Perilaku di mana kenakalan remaja diperlakukan oleh komunitas yang dapat memutuskan bila seorang pemuda berubah atau menjauh dari kejahatan pada kehidupan orang dewasa. Apa yang menyebabkan para pemuda melaggar hukum? Sering kali mereka merasa marah terhadap dunia orang dewasa. Orang tua mereka mungkin bercerai atau berpisah. Atau orang tuanya mungkin sering bertengkar, mungkin tidak mencintai mereka, atau mungkin tidak membuat mereka disiplin. Jika orang tua tidak menunjukan rasa hormat pada komunitas dan hukum, para pemuda pun sama.

Kemiskinan juga dapat menyebabkan pemuda melanggar hukum. Mereka mulai mencuri barang-barang yang mereka tidak mampu. Jika mereka tinggal di sebuah perkampungan kumuh, disana mereka mungkin membenci rumah kumuh dan sekolah miskin dan mungkin merusak properti dengan kemarahan. Ketika tidak ada kegiatan pada pemuda dalam masyarakat, mereka lebih cenderung mendapatkan kesulitan. Remaja yang sedang bosan dapay menjelajah lingkungan di geng, merusakkan jendela atau mencuri mobil. Para pemuda mungkin juga melakukan kejahatan untuk diterima oleh pemuda lainnya yang melakukan hal-hal tersebut.

Apa yang terjadi pada pemuda yang melanggar hukum? Terkadang polisi berbicara kepada orang tua pemuda atau mengirim mereka kepada badan bantuan. Sering, meskipun, para pemuda harus ke pengadilan remaja. Pengadilan dapat mengirim mereka ke petugaspercobaan, seseorang yang akan mencoba untuk menolong remaja memecahkan masalah mereka, dan akan memeriksa mereka untuk memastikan mereka keluar dari masalah. Pengadialn juga dapat mengirim remaja tersebut ke psikiater, seorang dokter yang membantu orang yang memiliki masalah mental atau emosinal. Jika remaja tinggal dikeluarga yang tidak bahagia, pengadilan akan menempatkan mereka pada rumah orang tua asuh, yang mencoba memberikan remaja ini kebahagian dirumah. Terkadang, remaja yang nakan dikirim untuk tinggal di lemba negara. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pendekatan yang lebih berpengalaman dalam pengobatan pelanggar muda termasuk terapi kelompok, tantangan pengalaman kerja dankonseling secara individu.

Para oemuda yang menajdi remaja nakal sering menyakiti diri mereka sendiri lebih dari komunitas mereka. Pelllanggaran mereka terkadang dari pergi kesekolah dan sampai mendapat pekerjaan yang bagus. Mereka kehilangan jati diri, dan rasa hormat dari orang lain.