10 Des 2013


I want to be like you,
Which is light up the darkness,
Makes anything around feel warms,

I want to lighten my life with my light
Let my glow shines bright
Till my darkness looks dimly

But I won't be like you,
Which is swallowing itself,
Till its glow gone.

10th of December 2013

Hello!!! Today I went to library to find a book that relate to my proposal. Talking about proposal, I don't know why is the lecturer asking us to make a proposal even we didn't even make one before? They also didn't even give an example about it. It's weird. yeah, as always.
I found a book from X.J Kennedy and Dana Gioia called "AN INTRODUCTION TO FICTION". Like what it said at the title, it's an introducing book about fictional story. I want to read about characters in the film.
I want to finish this proposal ASAP! T_T It's so time-consuming to write it. Even when I'm only thinking about it it's just a waste of time.. Not at all but, most of all..
Getting sick of all the tasks... So, will make it done ASAP! BYEOM~

8 Des 2013

8th of December 2013

Hiyeom~ Anyway I don't know what should I write here today.. I'm just feeling so excited for Junhyung solo debut and also feeling so proud of Yang Yoseob. He just finished his musical at Joseph Musical and he looks so proud at himself. He even cried at the end of the show. Yoseob has an angel voice and heart! No idols in the whole world as lovable as him. None. Seriously.
I shouldn't talk about something that you don't even know and don't even want to read, right? Then I will talk about something else.... But I really don't know what I want to talk about..?
Today nothing happened in my life. I just enjoy today in my house, just play around with my little brother. Anyway my lil brother is super cute, but he has a habit that he won't ever hear whatever anyone else told to him! Ugh. He's so stubborn. Sometimes I just want to leave him when he didn't even hear me at all. I know he's only three-years-old but yeah... So stubborn.
My other brother is always busy with his stuffs, like his band. He's a guitarist. But I never attend his performance even once lol. I don't know he never told me to attend, so I didn't come~
Maybe I just end up till here. Sorry if you read my blog and don't even get any inspiration at all, especially this post. Byeom~! ^^

7 Des 2013

7th of December 2013

Hello! Baru aja baikan sama teman sendiri haha. Sebabnya sih sepele banget gara-gara salah paham dan salah tanggep doang. Tapi kebetulan salah tanggepnya itu sama-sama dihal yang sensitif banget menurut kita masing-masing. Sebenernya diem-dieman gini bikin sama-sama sadar sih kalo tentang pertemanan kita. Menurut gue, pertemanan gak bisa diukur dengan apapun. Baik, buruk, salah, benar, marah, senang, semua gak bisa mengukur sedalam dan sejauh apa pertemanan itu.
Semakin dewasa semakin sadar kalo temen itu emang orang yang selalu ada buat kita dikala kita butuh seseorang untuk berbagi, tapi hidup ini kita yang menjalani sendiri. Ibarat makanan, teman itu sebagai pemanis makanan tersebut. Apapun pemanis itu bisa membuat makanan itu menjadi lebih enak saat dimakan.
Terlalu bergantung dengan teman juga gak baik buat diri sendiri khususnya juga buat si teman tersebut.
Initinya kalo lagi ada masalah sama teman atau siapapun cepat-cepat diomongin dan diselesaikan, siapa tau cuma gara-gara hal sepele kayak gini ini hehehe. ^-^

5 Des 2013

Guy Who is Prettier than ME!

Sekarang banyak banget pria yang suka dandan dan pergi ke salon buat memperindah penampilan mereka. Bukan cuma wanita aja yang mau cantik, tapi laki-laki sekarang juga mau lebih dari sekedar ganteng.. Mereka mau cantik juga. Cucok.
Gak salah sih kalo mereka juga pengen terlihat lebih ganteng dari sebelumnya. Wajarlah kalo mereka ke salon atau pakai make up.. Yang salah adalah kenapa mereka setelah melakukan jadi lebih 'indah' daripada wanita? Sejujurnya gue ini gak begitu suka pakai make up ataupun ke salon, bisa dihitung jari lah gue kesalon itu beberapa kali aja dalam setahun. Sedangkan kaum pria ini kebanyakan lebih merawat diri dibanding wanita. Ini mungkin karena semakin bertambahnya keidealan seseorang untuk mendapatkan pasangan mungkin. Mungkin bagi mereka, kalo cantik atau ganteng ya seenggaknya mereka bisa dapetin yang sederajatlah dengan mereka. Begitu kali ya..?
Ya sebenernya gak harus begitu juga sih, jodoh kan udah diatur juga mau dapetnya jelek atau cakep kan? /kenapa ke jodoh segala../
Btw kan zaman semakin modern, muka dan penampilan juga musti di upgrade kali yah.. Jadi ya salah satunya touch up dan nyalon gitu.
Bahkan artis-artis Indonesia aja sudah berani operasi plastik loh.. Padahal dulu oplas di Indonesia ini tabu banget kan. Demi penampilan, zaman sekarang apapun bisa dilakukan dengan mudah. Mau yang mahal, murah, semua ada.....
Kadang suka sakit hati aja sih ngeliat para lelaki yang jatohnya jadi lebih kinclong daripada muka sendiri. Jadi malu sendiri, sebagai wanita gak bisa ngerawat muka dengan baik dari laki-laki ;;___;;
Tapi semakin seringnya melihat pria-pria kinclong, hati jadi makin tabah sih.. Yah gimana namanya juga udah era "upgrade muka", mau digimanain lagi selain menabahkan hati..

High School

Hello! I'm thinking about my old friends right now. I miss them.. How are you? T_T
It's been years we haven't even met! Do you guys having a good life? I miss y'all so badly.
All of my friends in High School. We've used to laugh together, shared everything, talked about everything, now I lose them.. I miss all our jokes, memories T.T
Hope we will meet soon and talk about what have we been through these past years. We're getting so busy with college stuffs and we're getting busy writing a script for our graduation. Like it has no time to meet each other.
We will meet when we success and celebrate it like we're a High School's student. Think about it makes me smile.. How I miss that memories. School, laugh, stories, hang out, being so naughty, being a bad student.

High School is really a place where you cannot forget for life, for age, forever. When you started realized about it you cannot stop the feels burst on your heart. High School... A place where we can be a real youngster, bad, do whatever you want, happy, all together with your friends.
I'm about to cry writing this.. I just really really miss that moments with my friends..
Hope they will do a great things out there! Blessed you guys!

My Favorite Artist

Yay! Finally Cube has announced for Junhyung's 1st Mini Album! It will be releasing on 13th December. The album title is "Flower" which is will be his first solo stage's song. "The lyrics of the song expresses a beautiful pain, where it started out with a fantasy vibe lead by electronic piano sounds and followed with a stronger beat, further enhancing the completeness of the song contents." (OSEN)

Am I the happiest person who live because of this news? I mean, because I wouldn't even imagine about Junhyung will having a solo stage but finally he will. He's such an amazing person. He was producing the latest BEAST 2nd album, he wrote the lyric and arranged it while he was busy with his drama "Monstar". Now, he is coming back to solo debut with his own produce songs. I can't even be more proud of him.
He is a songwriter, dancer, singer, rapper, actor (best rookie actor 2013, Korea), producer, and he said he still need to show his more talents to everyone. He is really an artist.

I hope someday I will be like Yong Junhyung. Create everything about what I like and show them to public. Yong Junhyung inspire me a lot.

Hardworking person

I always like a hardworking person, and a never give up person. Because they teach me something that I didn't know. Especially they make me realize that life is also a hard for them not only for me.
You'll never know if you give up for what you want and you'll never get what you want if you stop to work hard. Never give up on something, always work hard and keep the spirit!
Working hard for something that you really want will make you satisfied later.
Seeing other people hard work and how they became a really successful people, makes me want to work harder just like them. They're really inspire me a lot.
Personally, I'm in love with everyone who has the spirit to achieve something and always try hard to make it happen. You can't be anything you want without a spirit, right?

4 Des 2013

Dream Comes True

I want someday my dream comes true
I will show my potential and do my best
I will let anyone sees who am I
I will try my best

Only think about it my heart beats so fast
It is because I want it really comes true
I want to be a success woman
I want achieve anything that I hope for
I want everyone will finally says "you did it"

I will looking forward to the future and give my really best
I will work harder to achieve what I want
Till that day, please watch me.


I saw you today..
I thought my heart wouldn't beat this fast
I thought you're my good bye
But the fact there still a nice spot in my heart for you

I should stop loving you,
not because I don't care about you,
but you don't..

Although I don't always think about you
I don't always spend my day with you
But when you stand beside me,
it feels like we're just... I don't know

It's okay to leave me without saying anything
Though we will never meant to be
We're just a story

I hope someday you'll know,
that I always wanted to be with you..

3 Des 2013

Quotes Everyday

Let's follow these quotes! ^-^
It's for a better life and be a better person.

Quote makes me realize about this life.
I really love quotes!


Love, isn't it complicated?
You can feel it but you can't explain it
You feel the happiness, you feel the pains through love

It needs someone very special to feel it
Someone who is spend your day with,
Someone who is stay in your thought and heart,
Someone who makes you laugh,
Someone who makes you smile with no reason,

Love, something that will always makes you wonder
How was his feeling?
Does he feel the same?
Are we meant to be?

Love, the best thing that would ever happen in your life
It changes your life,
It changes your world,
It changes your eyes to see different things,
It changes you.

But love is the best gift from God to us,
A way from God to give us a learn about life,
The God's love, is love.


Lagi mikirin tugas-tugas... Why so many assignments that should be done this month?! The biggest task is to finish my proposal as soon as possible this month while the other assignments still waiting for me to kiss them..
I'll finish it ASAP. But I really need a time and inspirations.. Belum lagi bulan ini bulannya UTS.
I'm so desperate with all of deadline :(
This semester is really full of assignments. I couldn't even get enough for sleep.
Can't the lecturers understand that being university student isn't that easy. Why are they always make a deadline with the same date as the other assignments..?
Let me clear my thoughts and start doing something to finish it. FIGHTING!

2 Des 2013

3rd of December 2013

Hiyeom~! It's 4.36 in the morning!!  I don't know what to do... So let's write something here.
Christmas is coming and I don't even know what should I give for my grandmom.. Tho I don't celebrate Christmas, but my grandmom and grandpa are celebrating this moment.
Actually my big family have three celebrations in a year. There are Christmas, Chinese year (Imlek), and Ied Mubarak (Idul Fitri). Tho we have a different religion, we still celebrate it together.
Anyway, I never see a Christmas tree in every Christmas day at my gandmom's. My mom told me, there was a small tree that they used for Christmas when my mom's child, but now they don't use it anymore. My grandmom said that to make a Christmas tree takes a long time to finish it, it's time-consuming.
I really want to celebrate Christmas with that tree... I think I should go to friend's house to see it at Christmas. lol.
I also want to celebrate the Christmas's eve.. It would be great if my country has winter season.. I imagine, I walk with my friends at Christmas's eve in the street that full with snows. Unfortunately, our country only has two seasons..
I will think about the gift for my grandmom as a Christmas's gift, so I will finish this up till here. Byeom~ ^-^


2 December, 2013. HAPPY B2UTY 4TH ANNIVERSARY.
I may not their fan for the first time, but I can feel how much they mean for me
This is not my 4th anniversary, but this is my fandom
Fandom is where I can be myself
I may fly with BEAST since 2011, but my soul fly with them since their debut
I may not knowing all of B2UTY in the world, but I know they are all the kindest people

a word that explain about hard working, kindness, humble, sweet, crazy, wonderful
a family that could never be told, they are real, they can only be felt
a place where I belong to.

We may not seen each other, but we have the same dedication
We are family. B 2 U T Y.

I ♥ B2UTY & B2ST

At The End

Jalani apa yang seharusnya dijalani. Lakukan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan. Katakan apa yang seharusnya dikatakan.
Sesuatu yang sudah terjadi lebih baik daripada sesuatu yang tidak pernah sempat kita usahakan untuk terjadi.
Semua butuh pengorbanan, korbankan waktu untuk berusaha melakukan sesuatu yang seharusnya dilakukan.
Semua butuh proses, jalani apa pun dengan sabar. Kita tidak tau kita akan berhasil atau tidak jika kita berhenti ditengah jalan karena kita merasa lelah. Lelah termasuk dalam sebuah proses kesuksesan.
Semua butuh kesabaran, sabar dalam mengahadapi ujian dan cobaan dalam menjalani tujuan hidup. Sabar untuk terus berusaha menggapai impian, walaupun sulit.
Pada akhirnya kita hanya akan merasa bersyukur atas apa yang telah kita lakukan pada diri kita sendiri. Melakukan sesuatu yang merupakan tantangan terbesar saat ini dan akan menjadi awal kesuksesan kita dimasa depan.

2nd of December 2013

Gak kerasa udah memasuki bulan akhir dipenghujung tahun, December.
Ngereview apa aja yang udah gue dapet ditahun ini, harapan apa yang udah kesampaian ditahun ini.
Harapan tahun ini kayaknya yang paling kesampaian itu ya ketemu BEAST pas di Music Bank Jakarta bulan Maret kemarin. Itu paling paling berkesan banget. Aseli dadakan nonton MuBank, berangkat niatnya ngampus, sampe kampus ngajak temen buat nonton MuBank ternyata dia mau. Yaudah balik kampus langsung ke GBK, beli tiket langsung terus nonton. Kejadian bermakna dan super express dan gak terduga bisa nonton. Amazing banget lah hari itu sebenarnya.
Selain itu kayaknya gak ada harapan lain yang berkesan di tahun ini. /sedih/
Tapi tahun ini sama seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, selalu dapet banyak pelajaran hidup yang berguna buat masa depan dan untuk memperbaiki kekurangan pada diri sendiri.
Berasa cepet banget ngelewatin tahun 2013 ini.. Apa karena sedikit hal yang terjadi atau karena kurang melakukan sesuatu ditahun ini..
Semoga tahun 2014 menjadi tahun yang baik dan membawa berkah buat gue amin.
Semangat untuk terus mengejar cita-cita dan impian!! Fighting for beautiful future! ^-^

1 Des 2013

Prove that You CAN!

Disaat orang lain meremehkan kita, disaat orang lain menjelekkan kita, disaat orang lain menertawakan kesalahan kita, disaat orang lain mampu membuktikan mereka berhasil dan membanggakannya didepan kita, saat itulah kita harus bangkit dan menunjukkan bahwa kita bisa berhasil seperti mereka bahkan lebih dari mereka. Tunjukkan bahwa kita berhak mendapatkan yang terbaik!
Jangan jatuh hanya karena mereka menginjak kita saat kita belum mampu untuk menjadi seperti mereka. Justru pada saat itu kita mulai untuk menunjukan kepada mereka bahwa kita menjadi bisa lebih baik daripada mereka. Buktikan bahwa kita bisa, mampu, dan layak mendapatkan yang terbaik.
Jadikan orang-orang yang meremehkan kita atau sesuatu yang membuat kita diremehkan untuk membuka jalan kita menunjukkan siapa kita sebenarnya.

You can be anything you wanna be.
You can be a success person.
You can achieve anything.
Just show it! You have lots of power to make it real, to make it yours.
Show your shine, and let them see.

Why do we have to regret about something?

Sesuatu yang telah terjadi tidak bisa diubah kembali. Ucapan yang telah terucap tidak bisa ditarik kembali.
Tetapi penyesalan selalu datang pada akhirnya. Menyesali apa yang sudah terjadi adalah suatu hal yang sia-sia, tak ada yang bisa diperbuat untuk mengembalikan semua menjadi lebih baik dari yang sudah terjadi.
Sebuah penyesalan tidaklah berarti apapun. Hal yang bisa dilakukan adalah mempelajari yang sudah terjadi dan memulainya dengan lebih baik.

Penyesalan adalah sesunggunya hanya suatu kata lain dari sebuah Pelajaran.
Setiap manusia pasti memiliki penyesalan pada diri dan masa lalunya, yang berbeda adalah bagaimana cara orang tersebut melihat dan bersikap terhadap hal tersebut.
Sebuah penyesalan bisa membuat kita menjadi sosok yang lebih baik, berguna, kuat, dan tegar dalam menjalani hidup ini.

Jika kita menyesali suatu hal dan terus meratapinya dan berharap untuk memutar waktu untuk memperbaikin keadaan yang telah terjadi tersebut, itu sangatlah sia-sia. Penyesalan adalah masa lalu, jika kita terus-menerus memikirkan masa lalu maka kita tidak akan pernah bisa berubah menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.
Kita tidak perlu menyesali sesuatu yang telah terjadi pada hidup ini, semua itu hanya akan menjadi pelajaran berharga dikemudian hari nanti. Selalu ingat akan penyesalan yang kita lakukan dan jadikan itu sebagai motivasi untuk menjadi lebih baik.

Yes, Life is Hard

Life is hard.. When you ask about this thing and don't get any answers about it.
The answer is a question. "What in this life is not hard?"
Life is hard, because it is LIFE.
Life is where you can feel the pains and happiness.
Life is a place you can learn about how to live.
Life is a journey. Life is to show you who you are.

Sometimes you just need to let it be, leave it, and go through it.
The question of life couldn't be answered without live.
So, you need to feel and learn about it by yourself to know the answer.
It takes sometimes but you will find a way to know what is this.
Don't give up just because you think that Life is Hard, because everyone feels the same as you do.
Keep going, because you won't ever get back to this day.
Your future will be better than today.